Welcome! I hope you enjoy my creations as you look through the gallery. My work is available for purchase and I also do commission work. My studio is open to the public on the First Friday of every month from 5-9 pm and by appointment. Please contact me with any questions. I hope you come to Springfield, Ohio and enjoy our hospitality!

Commission Work
These are a few pieces that I have been commissioned to design and build in stain glass. If you are interested in having a special piece designed please contact me for an appointment.

Lamp created from a tequila bottle for a gift to a local Mexican restaurant.

2 ft. in diameter


Stain glass panel for a newlywed couple for their home.

Logo for the Salato Deli in downtown Springfield Ohio. Measures 2 ft. diameter.

I was hired to design the panel inserts for this oak entertainment center.

These are panel inserts for a cupboard. The client requested this specific lighthouse that is located on the west coast. It was very fun working with her to design it.

This is a 2' diameter window that was done for a new bakery that opened here in Springfield, Ohio.

Nine panel door with stained glass inserts to create a Smokey Mountain scene.

Six panels that were designed to link together and hang in a 11' window. The individual panels measure 17"x17".

panel: size- 10"x8" 14"x14"